Cassandra Clare Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy

Autori: Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan, Maureen Johnson, Robin Wasserman.

“Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy.”

Šis nav kā Cūkkārpā. Nemaz. Un tāpēc arī labi, – jo citādi. Tātad. Diezgan “nolaista” skola, jauna un nepieredzējusi vadītāja… bet ēnu mednieki! Tas visu padara aizraujošu un ļauj pat man piemiegt acis uz melni ķēpīgām un glumām kopmītņu istabiņas sienām un beigtām žurkām nestrādājošās vannasistabās.

I love you unconditionally, his mom had said, once or twice, when he was younger. That’s how parents love. I love you no matter what. People said things like that, without thinking of potential nightmare scenarios or horrific conditions, the whole world changing and love slipping away. None of them ever dreamed love would be tested, and fail.

Īpaši mani apstādināja pēdējais teikums. Varbūt tāpēc, ka īsti nesapratu to gramatiski un vēl joprojām neesmu droša. Mani šis teikums ļoti saista. (Iespējams, tāpēc, ka esmu perfekcioniste un nevaru likties mierā, to precīzi neizpratusi. Iespējams, tāpēc, ka tajā ir cilvēces skumjā, bet īstā būtība.)

“Don’t tell me about what I must, Julie,” he said coldly. “I must inform you there are werewolves worth a hundred of your and Jon’s Shadowhunters asses. I must say that I am sick to teeth of you insulting mundanes and telling me I’m your special pet exception, as if I want to be the pet of people, who bully kids younger and weaker than they are. And I must tell you, you’d better hope this Academy works out and mundanes like me Ascend, because from all I can see of you, the next generation of Shadowhunters is going to be nothing without us. ”

Simon took a deep breath, absorbed the disappointment, and said: “I don’t want things to go on as they were. I want things to change.”

Oh. Saimons nu gan rauj vaļā. Dziļi un spēcīgi. Nākamais konsuls?

“I don’t remember hell all that well,” Simon said. “But I recall it was nicer than this.”

Shadowhunters and Downworlders

Tas izklausās tik labi kopā. Un ja vēl tur pieliek vārdu ‘‘sadarbība’’, bet pa vidu ‘‘mīlestība’’, vispār iznāk perfekti.

“And you may have heard: Lovelaces are quitters.”

Skumji, ja zin TID varoņus.

Taču, runājot par ēnu mednieku dzimtām, ir tik aizraujoši uzzināt par to īpatnībām, izskata atpazīšanas zīmēm, slavenākajiem dzimtu pārstāvjiem.

Runājot par visu šo ēnu mednieku sēriju, tā ir vesela pasaule. Ar cilvēkiem, īpašām sugām, reālu un nereālu ģeogrāfiju, maģiju un cilvēciskām jūtām. Tā ir tik izstrādāta. Tajā ir mazi sīkumi, kurus atceries, kurus vari viegli sākt uztvert kā reālus un īstus. Grāmatas – tās tikai nāk klāt – gan ar jauniem, gan jau labi pazīstamiem un iepazītiem, un iemīlētiem varoņiem. Un tas neapnīk.

Maybe, he thought, you couldn’t know how much going away had changed you until you tried to go home.

 “Maybe not everyone listens to stories like you do,” Matthew said from across the room. “Not everyone learns.”

“Have you never seen a movie? Read a comic book? That’s how it starts – just a little temptation, just a little taste of evil, and then bam, your lightsaber turns red and you’re breathing through a big black mask and slicing off your son’s hand just to be mean.”

Saimon – nākamais konsuls 2. Komiksos ir patiesība.

His eyes were practically cartoon hearts.

Magnus had, for several moments, believed that the only possible explanation was that the whole family was drunk. Now he was coming to a much worse conclusion.

“I couldn’t help but notice that the baby is blue,” Robert said. “Alec’s eyes are blue. And when you do the”—he made a strange and disturbing gesture, and then made the sound whoosh, whoosh—“magic, sometimes there’s a blue light.”

Magnus stared at him. “I’m failing to see your point.”
“If you made the baby for yourself and Alec, you can tell me,” said Robert. “I’m a very broad-minded man. Or—I’m trying to be. I’d like to be. I would understand.”
“If I made . . . the . . . baby . . . ?” Magnus repeated.
He was not certain where to start. He had imagined Robert Lightwood knew how babies were made.
“Magically,” Robert whispered.
“I am going to pretend you never said that to me,” said Magnus. “I am going to pretend we never had this conversation.”
Robert winked, as if they understood each other. Magnus was speechless.

Vai tik atdalītā citāta dēļ, kas daudz biežāk ir redzams bez nekā ar turpinājumu, es arī tā nepadomāju…

Ballīte bija tik forša! Un Aleksa komunikācija ar Liliju bija super!

“What is Brangelina? It sounds like a demon.”

There had been lovers willing to die with him, but nobody had ever been willing to swear to live with him every day for as long as they both had to live.

“She always tries to do what’s right, and she never lets anyone else tell her what right is.”

Clary and Simon continued to stare judgmentally. It made Simon very happy. Judging people together was an essential part of best friendship.

“You think you’re hilarious, don’t you?”

“Seriously, Jace, what is wrong with you?’’ That seemed a very reasonable question to Magnus.

That’s who they were, and Simon realized that, inexplicably, he wouldn’t have it any other way. For better or worse, these were his friends. It was almost like family, Simon reflected. You didn’t necessarily like them all the time, but you knew, push come to shove, you’d defend them to the death.

Šeit neiet runa par draugiem, bet par cilvēkiem, ar kuriem – vairāk vai mazāk – esi spiests būt kopā. Klasesbiedri nē. Pirmkārt, klasesbiedri nav gluži tas pats, kas stundu un kopmītņu biedri. Otrkārt, klasesbiedri nav gluži tas pats, kas cīņu pret dēmoniem biedri. Treškārt, manas personiskās jūtas – nejūtos iederīga kolektīvā.

Man šie cilvēki varētu būt daudzdzīvokļu mājas pagalma draugi. Lai gan arī viņi neatbilst ne pirmajam, ne otrajam kritērijam, dažreiz sanāk iet ārā vēlā naktī un spēlēt spēles ar diez gan striktiem noteikumiem. “You didn’t necessarily like them all the time” – o, jā. Dažreiz tā izved no nerviem, dažreiz viegli krīt uz nerviem, dažreiz sastrīdamies tā, ka liekas, ka nekad vairs nerunāsim. Taču, nokrītot no riteņa sanāk arī apkaunojoši kopā paraudāt, un, protams, bieži kopā smejamies.

Someone you would die for and kill for without second though, because he was family.

Hmmm. Bez jebkādiem mīkstinājumiem – ne tikai mirtu kāda tuva cilvēka dēļ, bet arī nogalinātu viņa dēļ. Tas man patīk.

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Kolāža Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy

Par kolāžu. Jā, es zinu, ka Katarinai Losai(Catarina Loss) ir zila āda un balti mati – bet sieviete fotogrāfijā gluži vai izstaroja Katarinas tēlu. Un man ir grūti uztvert viņu ar zilu ādu. (Nekādas diskriminācijas, tikai nevaru atrauties no pierastā šajā gadījumā.)

Tātad – Shadowhunters faniem patiks. Man patika.

Lai tik viņu piedzīvojumi turpinās!

Izdevusi izdevniecība  Walker Books. Grāmatas vāks no izdevniecības mājaslapas, attēli kolāžā no interneta.